*Cue the drumroll please*… another workplace trend has been coined: the new remote.
My disdain for catchphrases aside 🙄, I too am observing the ‘new remote’ phenomenon.
Essentially, it means that working from home (or a third place) 100% of the time is becoming a lot less common, with hybrid work patterns finding a more permanent place in our days, weeks, and months. In most of the organisations that I’m working with, employees are finding their way back into the office 2 to 3 days a week [a stat that has been supported in the latest Thriving Workplace Survey from Super Friend].
Studies show that collaboration is the No. 1 purpose for a physical office—a finding that applies regardless of geography, industry, role, or generation. As such, when creating a workplace model—whether physical, digital, or hybrid—you need to intentionally design it to support and foster connectivity and collaboration.
- Deloitte 2023 Global Human Trends Capital survey.
Only 6% of surveyed organizations are satisfied with the status quo and say they have not changed—and will not change—their workplace strategy. Meanwhile, 78% are trying to create a future workplace where workers can thrive.
- Deloitte 2023 Global Human Trends Capital survey.
Has the workplace pendulum swung back towards the office? I’d say yes, it has. But not to the extreme where we should be “mandating’ everyone back to the office, it’s settling somewhere nicely at a hybrid mid-point. And just like all things that are good in moderation (except for chocolate — where more is best!), working autonomously from home continues to be beneficial, as does working in the office, alongside our leaders, mentors, and teammates.
The ‘new remote’ phenomenon is ultimately telling us that flexibility is here to stay. It’s not a trend — it has become a strategic workplace shift.
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