Boundaries & the Path to Self Acceptance with Dr Rebecca Ray


 With everything that we have been navigating over the past 2 years, boundaries, or more correctly “lack of boundaries” has become one of the most common topics of conversations, amongst friends, colleagues, clients and within our Work Life Lounge community.  

With the Blurring of work life and home life as we’ve juggled working from home, home schooling and the uncertainty of life around us, boundaries are an area that many of us have referred to as needing to be better, stronger or even established. 

Today’s guest is Dr Rebecca Ray, a Clinical Psychologist, Author and Speaker. She uses a science-backed, heart and hard truth approach to help big-picture-thinking women and creators live a life that’s fulfilling, unapologetic, and free. Rebecca has been a Clinical Psychologist for the best part of two decades. She is also the author of multiple books including Setting Boundaries and the Host of Podcast Hello Rebecca Ray. 

Rebecca joins me in this episode to discuss;

  • What we are actually saying when we say we need “better boundaries”
  • Why we find it difficult to put boundaries in place
  • The internal challenge that comes from identifying a need for a boundary
  • The conflict that eventually simmers up for us when we aren’t true t our boundaries
  • How setting boundaries starts with a path to self acceptance
  • A simple way for us to express our boundaries in a non-confrontational way that opens communication 

This is a timely conversation for so many of us. Enjoy this chat with Rebecca Ray! 

If you want to learn more from Rebecca, be sure to join us in the Work Life Lounge for her upcoming Masterclass. 

Heal Your Boundaries: The Path to Personal Empowerment is a transformative masterclass designed to show you the keys to unblocking your capacity to set and keep empowered boundaries. In this masterclass, you’ll discover:

  • The role your unconscious plays in stopping you from setting boundaries (or causing your boundaries to disconnect you from others)
  • Who your Inner Leader is and why you need to be in touch with them every day
  • How to navigate your unconscious and conscious experience to heal your boundaries

Connect with Dr Rebecca Ray;

Website =
Instagram = @drrebbecaray
Book = Setting Boundaries
Podcast = Hello Rebecca Ray

Work Life Lounge

Melissa Marsden

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