Mindwandering, Flow and Spaciousness - the key to innovation and creativity

The end of financial year is a great time to check in and see how we are tracking against our goals. As someone who loves to set myself up at the beginning of each year with a number of intentions and an overarching word to keep me on track, it’s a great opportunity for me to check and readjust for the next 6 months.

This year my word was Flow.

And its been interesting to see how this word has shown up, the shape its taken and the way in which it has realigned my thoughts and actions throughout the year to date.

To mark this EOFY I took myself off to a fancy “lunch for one” and what ensued was something that I have since reflected on as quite magical.

This simple act of creating time and space, allowed my mind the capacity to truly get into flow. Creating a stream of consciousness that resulted in a manifesto for COMUNiTI and for me.

But whilst I didn’t intentionally design this, it certainly didn’t happen by accident.

So, in today’s episode I’m sharing with you the ingredients that enabled this magic to happen plus some serendipitous learnings that I’ve had of late and the culmination of these in forming my philosophy on why mindwander, flow and spaciousness, are the key to innovation and creativity.

Take this as a friendly reminder that creating time and space to smell the roses can have a profound impact on the trajectory of your career and your business.

This podcast was made possible with support from the Alastair Swayn Foundation. Find out more at alastairswaynfoundation.org

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