4 Ways to Redesign Work with Empathy

Reimagining your next workplace is the perfect opportunity to take a step back and take a fresh look at your whole business.

One of the ways that I encourage leaders to do this, is by embracing “Shoshin”.

Shoshin is a Buddhist concept meaning “beginners mind”. It is about approaching a situation as if you are seeing it for the first time. When we come with curiosity, openness, eagerness, and no preconceptions, our mind is open to new possibilities.

And this is especially valuable when you are reimagining the experience that you want your people to have of work.

In today’s episode we explore 4 ways that you can redesign work with empathy, using an employee empathy map.

An empathy map is a useful tool to visualise yourself in the shoes of someone else and how you would like to curate their experience.

What they See, Think & Feel, Do & Hear.

And this is especially valuable as you embark on your journey to creating your next workplace and how you can positively influence the experience that your people have of work and place.

It’s also a great tool to reset patterns of behaviour in your organisation as we embark on a new world of work.

Tune in to learn more!

This podcast was made possible with support from the Alastair Swayn Foundation. Find out more at alastairswaynfoundation.org

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