What is your workplace telling your people is important?

In my book The Next Workplace: Designing Dynamic Environments that Inspire Human Potential, I share a story of a client expressing their concern, that their current workplace was having a detrimental impact on the business. It was not supporting the behaviours that the employees were told were wanted.

The organisation wanted to see collaboration; however, the environments spatial cues told a different story.

Sadly, this is not a unique conversation.

Our environments have the ability to influence our behaviour. Our environment, provides us with messages about the way we should interact, communicate, and engage, and these messages can be consciously influenced with the right approach.

Within organisations, behaviours are the actions that we can see, that when communicated effectively, reflect the values and culture of the organisation. What we consider to be important.

And there are three ways that our environment can influence these behaviours with the right messages, which I share with you in today’s episode.

This podcast was made possible with support from the Alastair Swayn Foundation. Find out more at alastairswaynfoundation.org

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