The First Step Most Businesses Miss, when Designing the Next Workplace

Businesses often miss a HUGE opportunity when they start designing their next workplace. Often jumping in and trying to solve the immediate problem, they either start scribbling on floor plans or heading straight to market to see what the best leasing deal is. And while both activities are part of the process, they are not where organisations should start. This approach will leave your business with a short-term fix, rather than looking at the long-term view of the horizon.

The first chapter of my book The Next Workplace; Designing Dynamic Environments that Inspire Human Potential, and the first pillar in my Workplace Dynamics Blueprint, is Reimagining the Future of Work. And for good reason.

This is the first step that so many businesses miss, leaving them with a workplace that they begin to quickly outgrow or is no longer fit for purpose.

So, in today’s episode I’m sharing the three key things that all businesses should do BEFORE they embark on this exciting adventure to creating the next workplace, and how you can maximise this opportunity that you are likely to only get every 10 or more years.

This podcast was made possible with support from the Alastair Swayn Foundation. Find out more at

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