Creating Thriving Workplaces with the Serenity Collective

Creating workplaces that inspire the human potential of those who inhabit them is a deep purpose for me. The opportunity to inspire the leaders of businesses to take that extra step, to create something special and unique for their people and their business, just lights me up.

So, when I first met today’s guests, Claire & Sophie from the Serenity Collective back in 2019, it was love at first sight!

These two ladies have brought together their skills in innovation, learning design, change and community building to create the most beautiful community of humans, focused on enhancing the experience of work. The Serenity Collective brings together the kindest, most extraordinary people to catalyse real and lasting change in the world. Working with thousands of professionals every year has given them a unique insight into the “human side’ of business. They have witnessed first-hand the decline in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing in the workplace and the devastating impact this is having at an individual organisation and societal level.
So, they decided to do something about and so the Serenity Collective was born!

Together these ladies have created an incredible community of change champions, inspired to transform work and the workplace so that we all thrive!

Which lead to the creation of the Thriving Workplace Event. This is not a conference, its is truly an event. Bringing together some of the industry’s best minds to share their stories, insights and what they have learnt about elevating the experience of work in their business’s so that we can all thrive.
So, in today’s conversation I’ve asked them to share why they believe this work is important, how they engage with organisations and what they have learned are the opportunities so that we can all embrace the change and adopt it into our organisations.

They also share the research that they conduct each year and the partners that they collaborate with to expand their reach out into the world, demonstrating the impact that this work can have on our people and our businesses so that we can all create thriving workplaces.

These are two very beautiful ladies and I’m sure that you’ll be just as inspired by them as I am, and those in the community they have built.

And let’s be honest… who doesn’t want to thrive at work?!?


Get your copy of Mel’s new Book The Next Workplace; Designing Dynamic Environments that Inspire Human Potential”


Connect with the Serenity Collective;

Website | LinkedIn Sophie | LinkedIn Claire | Thriving Workplace Event 2023


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