How Persona Profiling Shapes your Workplace Design

When we talk about persona profiling, we usually think of psychometric testing and other sorts of personality profiling tests. In the workplace, we generally use these in the context of recruitment and understanding a candidate’s personality before we hire them to understand if they are a cultural fit for our organisation.

What you may not have thought of is personality profiling is incredibly useful from a workplace design perspective. Understanding personal preferences of teams, and individuals within those teams allows us to design a workplace that aligns with different ways of working.

Join me as a break down how we can use persona profiling to make workplace design intelligent. I’ll go through the four role types that exist within organisations, how each role behaves and how you can navigate the opportunities that exist in the design of your workplace to enhance your employee experience and commercial outcomes.

If you are interested in beginning this journey in your business, you can join the Your Workplace Future Ready Program and begin to transform your workplace from the inside out.


Melissa Marsden 

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